On Wednesday, December 20, 2006 07:19:10 AM -0800 Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since we rely on volunteers for a number of IETF activities, beyond
writing specs, it is at least worth exploring this additional avenue of
saving money (and maybe even getting better operations, although I note
this not as a criticism of the Secretariat, past or present, but of the
normal effects of being overworked.)

The tools team has produced a lot of neat stuff. However, the more they maintain on a long-term basis, the less time they will have to produce new neat stuff. I'd rather see the more-stable things maintained by people who are being paid to do so, both to reduce the chances of losing them if one or more volunteers become unwilling or unable to do so, and to free the time of those volunteers for new development that is both useful to the IETF and probably more interesting to work on.

That said, I think we should all keep in mind that the tools team are volunteers, and the rest of us do _not_ get to decide what they spend their time on.

-- Jeff

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