Lisa, Enrico, Vijay,
Thanks for the clarifications.  I went through the P2PI mailing list and found 
some interesting discussions.  There are some topics where I don't yet see 
consensus and some of the discussions still seem open.  As Marshall, Sam, 
Lakshminath and I have pointed out, I don't yet see a consensus on whether the 
ALTO service is a centralized or distributed one.  I also noted some unresolved 
discussions on the list on the types of information that can be shared as part 
of this service.

As I've already noted, I do support the work and believe it needs to be done.  
But, I don't believe we have sorted out all the charter issues yet and focusing 
on that discussion would help move this forward.  Instead, I see a lot of 
emails reinstating the importance of the work and that it needs to move 
forward.  Well, that's clearly not the point of debate at all here, since I 
haven't seen anyone say the work is not important.

A couple of notes inline.

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Lisa Dusseault
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 12:21 PM
> To: Dondeti, Lakshminath
> Subject: Re: [p2pi] WG Review: Application-Layer Traffic
> Optimization (alto)
> Lakshminath and Vidya,
> Vijay, Enrico and Stefano have said what I was going to say
> (e.g. below) -- as sponsoring AD for this charter I've been
> following the WG discussion, working with the rest of the
> IESG, and talking to people to confirm that there's better
> consensus on the list, even if there was confusion at the
> BOF.  This IETF Last Call is also part of confirming whether
> there's now consensus.
> It's difficult to write a charter without actually designing
> the solution. What would help with the charter, even now, is
> for people to write up proposals for the solution -- ideally
> in the form of Internet-Drafts.  I haven't yet selected
> chairs for the WG, so as you can imagine editors and authors
> aren't yet selected.  It would be most excellent to see some
> individual proposals before a committee gets their hands on them :)

The above made me wonder if we are still operating at the IETF :)  We 
repeatedly chastize people for writing charters with a solution in mind.  I 
think it is extremely premature to talk about specific solutions, editors and 
authors - we have more fundamental discussions to be had on scoping the problem 
and agreeing to what is going to be solved.  I hope we can do that first.


> Lisa
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Vijay K. Gurbani
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  ...
>       And since the BoF, much has changed to narrow the scope of the
>       charter down to more manageable pieces as well as establish a
>       channel with IRTF to move certain aspects of the work there
>       (as the timeline in my previous email indicated.)
>               Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
>               My perception and my understanding of some of
> the dissenting opinions
>               was that some of those need to be worked out
> before creating a working group.
>       But I believe that we have done exactly that: the list has been
>       busy since Dublin on attempts to move the work forward
> in a manner
>       that is conducive to all participants.
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