Review of draft-ietf-monami6-multiplecoa-10.txt
I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area directorate's ongoing 
effort to review key IETF documents. These comments were written primarily for 
the transport area directors, but are copied to the document's authors for 
their information and to allow them to address any issues raised. The authors 
should consider this review together with any other last-call comments they 
receive. Please always CC [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you reply to or forward this 
In general, I did not find any transport issues that need to be addressedwithin 
this document. 
As noted in the abstract, this document enables the use of multiplecare of 
addresses within MIPv6.   MIPv6 (and mobility in general)can have considerable 
impact on transport layer performance in thathandovers frequently result in 
substantial changes in transportparameters.  However, these issues are 
typically handled in otherdocuments, not within the MIPv6 documents themselves. 
 While theuse of multiple CoAs may make the problem more serious, it doesnot 
appear to change the problem fundamentally in a way thatwould require that the 
issue be addressed in this document. 
>From a point of view of congestion control, there are situationsin which 
>faulty lower layer indications (e.g. jittery NICs) couldresult in a large 
>amount of mobility-related traffic.  However,these situations are not unique 
>to multiple CoA configurations,and so addressing this potential issue is also 
>probably not theresponsibility of this document. 
I did not notice any potential problems with ECN functionality. 
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