Hi -

> From: "Russ Housley" <hous...@vigilsec.com>
> To: "Doug Ewell" <d...@ewellic.org>
> Cc: <trust...@ietf.org>; <ietf@ietf.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 1:07 PM
> Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your review andcomments 
> on a proposed Work-Around to the Pre-5378 Problem
> Doug:
> I hope this response answers your pragmatic questions.
> >1.  What do I, as editor of an I-D and previously editor of a 
> >related RFC that is not quoted in the current I-D, need to do in 
> >order to allow the WG chairs to move my draft forward into IETF Last Call?
> You can proceed to IETF Last Call now.  However, if updates to the 
> I-D are needed you may be faced with a problem depending on your 
> situation.  I presume that some or all of the text in the I-D was 
> contributed before 10 Nov 2008.  If so, then an update to that I-D 
> requires you or the WG chair to determine if the people that made the 
> contribution are willing to grant the additional rights required by 
> RFC 5378.  If so, you are done.  If not, you will need some 
> work-around like the one being discussed on this thread.

When updates have been wordsmithed by the WG, is it true that
only a person whose exact N words (where N >= X) were used
needs to sign off on it, and we don't need to track down every
single variation suggested during the wordsmithing?  Can
we have a guideline for WG chairs on a value for X?

> If IETF Last Call or IESG Evaluation brings comments that require an 
> update to the I-D, then you end up with the same situation.
> If the document is approved without change, then the RFC Editor will 
> ask each of the authors to grant the additional rights required by 
> RFC 5378.  If this cannot be done, then the document will sit in the 
> queue until some work-around like the one being discussed on this 
> thread is implemented.

In the particular case Doug mentions, there are *no* authors, only
editors working under the direction of a WG.  Does this still apply?
Wouldn't it make more sense for the WG to grant the additional rights,
since it is the WG which authored the work.


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