Hi -

> From: "John C Klensin" <john-i...@jck.com>
> To: "Spencer Dawkins" <spen...@wonderhamster.org>; "Harald Alvestrand" 
> <har...@alvestrand.no>; <ietf@ietf.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 11:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Please Review Draft IESG Statement on Activities that are OBE
> (1) Anything that clearly shifts this document toward "guidance
> to the community about how the IESG is thinking about things"
> and away from "more rules" will make me proportionally happier.
> Certainly eliminating the 2119 language would help in that
> regard.

The proposal strikes me as largely a statement of common sense.
However, "common sense" is notoriously difficult to state correctly
in formal terms, and a fear that the 2119 terms lack the fuzziness
needed for this kind of proposal.  We *generally* don't want to spend
resources on things OBE, but there are cases (like TCP/IP) where
it might be in the organization's interest to do so anyway.


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