On Jun 9, 2009, at 05:28, Dave Cridland wrote:

To be fair:

a) This one is *just* a poorly written draft [...].

...as an individual contribution,
...in the Informational category.

b) Apple are, at least, producing a public specification in a reasonable forum for discussion.

Moreover, Mr. Pantos chose IETF rather than some slushpile with looser editorial standards. We should be happy when a company as secretive as Apple allows their employees to submit drafts to us, even-- especially-- when the manuscripts that land in our slushpile are not yet ready for immediate publication.

If IETF doesn't think the information in this draft is worth compiling into a document worthy of sending to the RFC Editor, then that would be good for Mr. Pantos to know. It would probably save him a lot of effort and frustration. I'm sure he looks forward to whatever constructive feedback IETF participants can provide, and I can assure everyone here that nobody at Apple feels their employment status entitles them to any special consideration for their individual contributions.

james woodyatt <j...@apple.com>
member of technical staff, communications engineering

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