Byung-Hee HWANG <bh at izb dot knu dot ac dot kr> wrote:

Already, above, Douglas pointed out for your comments correctly. RFC format is different from a market share format by the purpose. Do you have been think about the word "compatibility" and "standard"? Here is IETF, not a market.. ;;

This thread has been headed down the wrong path from the outset, as soon as Tony Hain wrote on July 1:

An alternative would be for some xml expert to fix xml2rfc to parse through the xml output of Word. If that happened, then the configuration options described in RFC 3285 would allow for wysiwyg editing, and I would update 3285 to reflect the xml output process. I realize that is a vendor specific option, but it happens to be a widely available one.

and Douglas replied by going off on Word:

Word's closed code is continuously changing. Availability of this closed application depends upon OS compatibility and version regressions. Both are moving targets. In addition, Word formats permit inclusion of potentially destructive scripts within highly flexible and obfuscating structures.

Nobody in this thread has suggested publishing RFCs or distributing I-Ds in any native Microsoft Word format. The only thing Tony suggested was to "fix xml2rfc" to convert XML documents generated by Word into the standard format for RFCs and I-Ds, just as xml2rfc already converts XML documents written in the RFC 2629(bis) format into the standard format for RFCs and I-Ds. I modified that, along the course of the thread, to suggest that a separate "word2rfc" tool might be a more sensible option.

To the extent the .doc format is "highly flexible" -- which isn't really true anyway; it's been rather stable since 1997, and the new XML-based format is called .docx -- I can see that as an obstacle for someone writing such a conversion tool. But I challenge anyone to find the slightest suggestion in this thread that we should publish IETF documents directly in Word format. Let's at least argue the same point, folks.

Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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