On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:11:39AM -0400, Scott O. Bradner wrote:
> the reason that the blue sheets were created was as part of maintaining
> a full record of the open standards process - the question of room size
> was never considered
> the basic idea is discussed in section 8 of RFC 2026
>    Each of the organizations involved in the development and approval of
>    Internet Standards shall publicly announce, and shall maintain a
>    publicly accessible record of, every activity in which it engages, to
>    the extent that the activity represents the prosecution of any part
>    of the Internet Standards Process.  For purposes of this section, the
>    organizations involved in the development and approval of Internet
>    Standards includes the IETF, the IESG, the IAB, all IETF Working
>    Groups, and the Internet Society Board of Trustees.
> 2026 does not specifically mention maintaining a list of who was
> at the meetings but that is clarly a part of a full record
> in addition, RFC 2418 section 3.1 requires obtaining a list of attendees
>    All working group sessions (including those held outside of the IETF
>    meetings) shall be reported by making minutes available.  These
>    minutes should include the agenda for the session, an account of the
>    discussion including any decisions made, and a list of attendees. The
>    Working Group Chair is responsible for insuring that session minutes
>    are written and distributed, though the actual task may be performed
>    by someone designated by the Working Group Chair. The minutes shall
>    be submitted in printable ASCII text for publication in the IETF
>    Proceedings, and for posting in the IETF Directories and are to be
>    sent to: minu...@ietf.org
> Scott
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        Pointing this out for completeness sake, it is not currently
        required to sign said sheets to participate in WG sessions.
        In dim memory, there was discussion of creating/using tracking
        technology (RFIDs in badges) to obviate the need to sign in.


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