On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 9/23/09 10:05 PM, Ole Jacobsen wrote:
> > There is absolutely NO intention or requirement to have any approval 
> > process for agendas or materials by a third party for this (proposed) 
> > meeting.
> What do we mean by "third party" here?

I mean any government agency, the local host or even "ourselves".

As others have said, there are no absolutes or guarantees, this is 
something we all know when we board airplanes for example, but an 
evaluation based on the available evidence would suggest that this 
issue isn't going to come up or cause problems. If someone really 
wants to prove me wrong, that is another matter, but I have always 
considered this community to be fairly friendly and cooperative even 
if we occasionally have strong disagreements.


Our assumption, and now I really AM repeating myself, is that our
normal technical topics (including those that have "political 
implications") do not fall into a category that would require review 
and/or pre-approval.

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