On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John C Klensin wrote:
Perhaps the latter suggests a way for the IAOC to think about
this.  Assume that, however unlikely it is, the meeting were
called off mid-way and that every IETF participant who attended
sued the IASA to recover the costs of leaving China earlier than
expected, the prorata costs of unexpectedly attending only part
of a meeting, and possibly the value of lost time.   Suppose the
hotel also tried to recover lost revenue and lost reputation
costs as some have suggested in this discussion might be
possible.   Now consider going out and buying insurance against
those risks.  There are insurance companies who are happy to do
that sort of risk assessment and quote prices (and do it
professionally, as if their bottom line depends on it, which it
does) and with great skill.  If the cost of such insurance is a
reasonable add-on to the other costs of holding a meeting in
Beijing (or can be passed on to the host), then we go ahead with
the meeting.  If not, we make another plan.

That's the best suggestion for managing the risk side of this equation that I've heard. It's brilliant! Great thinking, John!


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