On 22 Apr 2010, at 01:55, james woodyatt wrote:
> After just now finding the root cause of yet another stupid interoperability 
> problem to be an interaction between a client not choosing a sufficiently 
> unique host/session identifier and a server being overly clever about using 
> said identifiers for purposes other than intended in the protocol 
> specification...
> WHEREAS the IETF has no document category for dealing with material that is 
> unfit for Standards Track, that does not in any way describe Best Current 
> Practice, provides Information of questionable utility, which is neither yet 
> limited to Historical interest nor of merely Experimental nature...
> BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that IETF should create a new document category for 
> Disinformation, and that RFC 2516 should immediately and with extreme 
> prejudice be reclassified as such without further discussion.

I think what we're really looking for in cases like this is a document subset 
called RWD, or Real World Deployment.  This subset comprises of notes stating 
the necessary information that couldn't possible be included in specifications 
for any number of good reasons, but which assist those implementing those 
specifications to avoid the next incoming arrow of misfortune that results from 
trying to interoperate with the incredible array of brain-dead implementations 
using the dubious interpretations that exist, perhaps just to the benefit of 
the IETF, for whom these concerns are perhaps greater than those of the vendor.

As a concession to avoiding further bureaucracy, because we get enough of that 
as it is, and as an aid to IETF sponsorship, special offers should be made 
concerning vendor recognition in such documents.  The hopeful consequence of 
this is that the subset should be modest in size, if not purpose, and will 
remain so for the foreseeable future.


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