On 5/10/2010 1:08 PM, Ted Hardie wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Andrew Sullivan <a...@shinkuro.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:09:53PM -0700, Ted Hardie wrote:
>>> illness forced them to participate remotely.   I'd personally rather
>>> we expand "attend" to include remote attendance rather than narrow
>>> it to exclude folks who didn't pay for a whole week.
>> I've already said too much in this thread, but while I might happily
>> agree with any plans to diversify the way we define "attend", we
>> simply cannot do that on anything like a permanent basis without
>> changing the relevant RFC.  So we need to separate that issue from the
>> immediate issue of who might qualify for the NomCom _this year_.  We
>> need to separate the issues because the latter is an immediate
>> practical concern, and it's really just more important that we have
>> some rule than that we have a perfect one.  Please let us not conflate
>> these two matters.

Doesnt then also attending a meeting through a video conference
including streaming also qualify? Seems to me both are reasonable
methods of attending these days.

Todd Glassey

> Andrew's right.  Sorry for conflating the two.  For this specific issue,
> I disagree with the IESG's proposal to declare use of a day pass did
> not qualify as "attending" the IETF meeting for the purposes of
> NomCom eligibility.
> regards,
> Ted Hardie
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