From: ietf-boun...@ietf.org [ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Ofer Inbar 

P.S. My neighborhood is about as far from being a tech backwater as
it is possible to be in the world.  Yet I still have only one viable
option for high speed Internet.  It's a business & law problem, not
a technology problem.

It's a traditional monopoly problem.  Market-based mechanisms don't work if 
there isn't vigorous competition.  The traditional solution is "common carrier" 
regulation of "natural monopolies".

At the least, we need to define data carriage as a "common carrier" business, 
where the carrier must provide service on a non-discriminatory basis at 
published rates.

(Whatever happened to the dream of multiple WiMax providers?)

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