On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:47 PM, Richard Shockey wrote:

> I personally find section 5.1 unusually amusing as if now the IAB wants to
> say split-DNS "should be considered harmful". Leakage in to the public DNS
> .. geez really. Like what where are the examples of the harm? So who put
> ringtones in the DNS :-) 

I am trying to understand where there are misunderstandings and differences in 
insight. And I think you might have read 5.1 different than intended:

It is not trying to speak about  data that is leaked from "internal" to 
"public" DNS installs. But it tries to make a more generic point that solutions 
that are engineered for environments that are supposed to be closed will leak 
to the public Internet. With that comes a responsibility to design those 
solutions and protocols in such a way that they will have the appropriate 
security, privacy, and scalability properties.


 (speaking for myself)


Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140, 
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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