On Nov 8, 2010, at 9:14 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

>     "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."  --  Thomas Jefferson
>     It is also the price for maintaining quality and culture. -- D. Crocker
> One of the problems with having things work well is that we get complacent.
> Once we get through the challenges of gaining approval for a document, today 
> we find that going the the RFC publication is usually efficient and even 
> painless.
> This has not always been so and it could become 'not so' in the future.
> Tonight's plenary will not include the above-offered announcement, but it 
> /will/ include a proposal on the RFC Editor office, covering the structure 
> and functions, with a focus on the open position for the RFC Series Editor -- 
> roughly equivalent to the position previously held by Bob Braden and created 
> by Jon Postel.
> As always, if you ignore the current round of proposal review, you do not get 
> to later complain that the result is wrong.  Worse, if you do not participate 
> now, you are probably increasing the likelihood that it will be wrong...

Some additional information:

During this evening we have put this discussion at the end of the agenda, after 
the IAB open microphone session.

WRT timing: We have approximately 30 minutes allocated for about 10 mins of 
introduction and 20 mins of discussions. While I do not want to be strict with 
respect to the end time I do want to respect that people need food and want to 
try to close microphone lines at 19:30.

Until now I have not seen any questions for the IAB open microphone session. I 
suspect that the open microphone doesn't need the allocated 30 mins so we may 
gain some time at the start.

Also see 

for some background and references.



Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140, 
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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