On 17 Feb 2011, at 20:34, Stuart Cheshire wrote:
> On 15 Feb, 2011, at 13:32, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>> That is the result of some clients and users violating netiquette and mail 
>> standards, for instance, RFC 1855, section 2.1.1:
>>  - Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line
>>    with a carriage return.
> I'm sure that was all wonderful back in the century of teletypes and (if you 
> were very lucky) a 80-column VT100 terminal, but these days I read email on 
> devices ranging from my phone at one end of the spectrum to my desktop 
> computer with dual 30-inch displays at the other.
> On my 30-inch displays your hard-wrapped text appears as a thin narrow ribbon 
> of text no matter how wide the window is, and on my phone your hard-wrapped 
> lines are too long to fit so they get re-wrapped to that charming 
> long/short/long/short pattern so characteristic of hard-wrapped text 
> displayed on any device other than the one it was created on.

Yes.  So the people who send you messages without information in their messages 
for helping you to reflow the lines, in a way that does not interfere with 
email clients and netnews reading clients which do not support those notions, 
should be enticed to do so.  And since you're sending such an email message, 
and using the same platform as I am, and since you are using all the right 
standards while I regularly get flamed to volcanic ash every time I dare to 
post to Usenet through a netnews-by-mail gateway, I wonder if perhaps you could 

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