On 2011-03-31 01:44, Russ Housley wrote:
> Brian:
>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>> I have just chartered a very short draft that intends to update BCP101. It 
>>> can be found at:
>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kolkman-iasa-ex-officio-membership
>>> The draft is very short and contains only a few sentences of substance:
>>>   The IETF chair, the IAB chair, and the ISOC President/CEO may
>>>   delegate their responsibilities to other persons.  The delegations by
>>>   the IETF chair and the IAB chair need to be confirmed by the IESG and
>>>   IAB respectively.  The terms of delegation is for a longer term for
>>>   instance aligned with the IESG and IAB appointment cycles (roughly
>>>   anual).
>>> John Klensin made me aware he also had a similar idea earlier:
>>>   http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-klensin-iaoc-member-00.txt
>>> The main difference is between his and this draft is that John's I-D makes 
>>> the person the chair delegates to a non-voting liaison. I have a small 
>>> preference for the IAB and the IESG keeping the control point, and I 
>>> implicitly assume that for IASA matters the persons delegated to will 
>>> escalate to the chairs and ask for specific guidance when appropriate. I 
>>> realize that for the Trust anybody serves on personal title. For the trust 
>>> alignment with the IAOC membership is just a practical considerations.
>>> The shared requirement is unloading the I* chairs and the ISOC president 
>>> and empowering the people that serve in that role to organize themselves. 
>>> (I should have paid more attention to this much earlier.)
>> I find myself very torn on this proposal. Believe me, I understand the
>> workload issue. But on the other hand, at the very beginning of my
>> time as IETF Chair, I experienced the *previous* workload issue,
>> when there was no IASA, IAD or IAOC. There was a dramatic decrease
>> when the IAD arrived and the IAOC (and Trust) started to function.
>> But the IETF Chair, as a full member of the IAOC, still got to
>> understand the ongoing issues and of course influence the decision
>> process. Yes, it was part of the workload, and I think that was
>> a good thing. I'm very concerned about the IETF Chair getting decoupled
>> from the IAOC. The IETF Chair's job is a whole lot more than being
>> IESG Chair, and some degree of personal responsibility for oversight of
>> the administrative work seems to me to be appropriate.
>> So I'm not at all sure this delegation is a good thing.
>> I'm not commenting on the IAB Chair and ISOC CEO slots. Delegation
>> probably makes sense for them.
> I completely understand you points.  I do not plan to delegate my seat.  
> However, it is quite painful to open a BCP and make changes.  I can imagine a 
> future where delegation might be appropriate.  For this reason, I am in favor 
> of opening up the BCP only once to insert this capability for all of the 
> ex-officio seats.

That completely makes sense. Thanks.

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