On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 01:45:44AM -0000, John Levine wrote:
> It's clueless cargo cult lawyering.  

+1, and see also:


which reads in part:

        "First, such boilerplate contains useless adhesions, meaning
        the explicit and implied threats they make are particularly
        annoying. If you send something via email, the recipients (are
        you sure you aren't sending to a mailing list?) and anyone else
        who sees your clear text postcard in transit can undetectably and
        with full deniability do whatever they want with the information
        written on it in plain view. Even casual users of email know
        email is not a secure communications medium. Thus the threats in
        typical bogus legalistic boilerplate are naught but an attempt
        at highly improper intimidation. Demands made in this manner
        will be regarded as evidence of a hostile attitude on your
        part by a significant portion of recipients. The threats will
        negatively affect how your recipients perceive the other ideas
        in your message.

        Second, in the case of mailing lists (are you sure the address
        to which you sent isn't one?) or USENET posts, falsely claiming
        a message is "confidential and privileged" is simply too stupid
        for words."

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