Hi all,

I seem to remember discussions about this a long time ago, but searching 
through archives gets no love...

How do folk feel about having asking for subject_prefix to be set on the IETF 
Discussion List (AKA this one!) - this will prefix mail sent to this list with 
something like "[Discussion]" or "[IETF]" or something [0].

Background: I used to just filter this list into a mailbox / folder (based upon 
List-Id:), but then I would forget to read it, so I have removed that procmail 
rule. Having a prefix would make it easier to tell at a glance what list the 
mail is associated with, what it might be about, etc. Yes, I *could* just make 
a procmail rule to munge the subject myself, but that seems icky, and solving 
it for the general case (and making Discussions more like the other IETF lists 
feels better).


[0]: Let the bike-shedding on actual prefix used begin...

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