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Document: draft-ietf-cuss-sip-uui-reqs-07
Reviewer: Ben Campbell
Review Date: 2011-01-01
IESG Telechat date: 2011-01-03


This version is basically ready for publication as an informational RFC. Alan 
responded to two of my comments with perfectly reasonable explanations (see 
quoted text below.) In both cases, I think the requirements would be more clear 
if the clarifications were included in the draft text:

>> -- REQ-12: 
>> What degree of certainty is required here? (i.e. strong identity?) If 
>> implied by the SIP dialog, does that impact expectations on what sort of 
>> authn must happen at the SIP layer?
> This is not meant to imply strong identity.  And since UUI data can appear in 
> a response, there aren't really any strong methods available with SIP.   The 
> UUI mechanism does not introduce stronger authorization requirements for SIP, 
> but instead the mechanism needs to be able to utilize existing SIP approaches.
>> -- REQ 13:
>> I'm not sure I understand how this interacts with the ability for 
>> intermediaries to remove UUI. Should this be detectable by the endpoints? Or 
>> is that ability limited to the hop-by-hop case, or require no integrity 
>> protection?
> Yes, there are tradeoffs between this requirement and requirement REQ-9.  
> Hop-by-hop protection is one way to resolve this interaction.

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