HI Spencer,

We are responsible for the tutorials, which includes deciding what new 
tutorials are needed, and working with people in the community to deliver them. 
 Not all of the people who _teach_ the tutorials are on the EDU Team, although 
there is some overlap.

There as been discussion of the EDU Team doing some other things -- web 
training, for instance.  With new membership/leadership, perhaps the EDU Team 
will be able to take on some of those tasks, as well.


On Nov 16, 2011, at 4:26 AM, Spencer Dawkins wrote:

> Hi, Russ,
> I won't take plenary time to ask this, but ...
> My memory from being on the EDU Team "for a while" was that the EDU Team 
> itself was broader than just the list of people who did tutorials - looking 
> at what additional training was required, etc.
> Is that still true? It might be helpful for people to know as they consider 
> their willingness to serve the community in this way.
> Thanks,
> Spencer, who hopes to help with EDU when he's not in IAB meetings on Sunday 
> afternoons ;-)
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