On Apr 27, 2012, at 2:53 PM, SM wrote:
> Mary Barnes is the only participant who mentions the gender problem.  As 
> such, I gather that the IETF does not have a gender problem. :-)

The rest of us are too busy struggling to succeed in this male-dominated regime 
to have time to read these threads.  :-)

Seriously, though...

I don't think that the relatively low numbers of women in the IETF leadership 
are necessarily indicative of a problem, because I think they roughly match the 
low percentage of women among IETF attendees. 

I don't even know if the lack of female attendance at the IETF is a problem, 
because I don't know how our percentages map to the percentage of female 
networking engineers in the industry, or to the percentage of females who 
attend other major standards organizations, like the IEEE or the 3GPP.  We are 
an engineering organization, so I wouldn't expect us to be half women, because 
there are a lot more male engineers than female ones.

If IETF meetings are attended by a lower percentage of women than IEEE or 3GPP 
meetings, and/or if we feel that our attendance is not proportional to the 
number of women in our industry, then we might want to explore why that 
happens, and consider some changes in our culture to address the causes.  We 
shouldn't try to fix this particular aspect of our organization if it isn't 
broken, though.


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