On 8/17/12 12:05 PM, Robert Raszuk wrote:
Hi Bob,

Is there any way to broaden the scope of IAOC choice and provide the candidate locations which would meet IETF criteria by any IETF member ?

For example once I know the criteria I could check around in Poland to see if there is any place which would satisfy the future IETF venue.

I am sure friends from South America would be glad to conduct similar local research in their neighborhood. So would others from other continents.

Are the criteria for IETF meetings published or is this some sort of top secret (for example how much the venue may cost) ?

Could we all contribute via a wiki page ? Could we make the IETF choice of location an open process ?
Hotel contracts by their nature need to be negotiated under mutual NDA unless you want all the vendors in the region to mysteriously arrive at the same lower bound.

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