>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Moore <mo...@network-heretics.com> writes:
    Keith> Can we *please* discourage the habit of treating IETF WG
    Keith> meetings as one series of PowerPoint presentations after
    Keith> another?  This makes the meetings much less productive.

    Keith> The notion that there are supposed to be slides for each
    Keith> presentation, is IMO, a huge error.

It's not the slides that are the problem.  
It's the "presentation" itself.

If we could, I would organize the rooms in circular style, but it doesn't
scale to several hundred people.

(If there are slides, we need to make sure that they are received early,
in a vendor-neutral archival happy format, and can be distributed in

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works 

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