My humble suggestion is to go with a single AD for Transport Area. I think
it could work.



On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 11:00 PM, IETF Chair <> wrote:

> Dear IETF Community,
> The 2012-2013 IETF nomination process has not yet filled the Transport
> Area Director position despite several attempts to broaden the pool of
> nominees.  The whole community conveys our most sincere gratitude to the
> existing nominees for this position.  However, it seems that no candidate
> has yet been found that meets the specific IESG-provided requirements and
> is also able to make the necessary time commitment.
> Requirements for IESG positions can be found at:
> The TSVAREA session at IETF 86 will include a discussion on the
> difficulty in locating a Transport Area Director candidate that meets
> these position requirements and is also able to make the necessary time
> commitment.  The outcome of the discussion cannot be predicted in
> advance.  Since this discussion could lead to a change in the IESG
> requirements, the IESG encourages the community to take part in this
> discussion so that any changes are based on broad community input.
> On behalf of the IESG,
>  Russ Housley

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