On Apr 1, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Abdussalam Baryun <abdussalambar...@gmail.com> 

> RFC6921>It is well known that as we approach the speed of light, time
> slows down.
> AB> I know that time slows for something when it is in speed of light,
> but communication is not something moving. If the packet is in speed
> of light we may reduce the comm-delay but never less than zero. The
> communication times don't change if at least one communicator is not
> moving in light speed.
> My comment is that I think this RFC is not logical, and I don't
> understand its recommendations. There is no way that a packet can be
> received before send, packet-time never changes communicators-time
> while the positions of both Tx and Rx are semi-fixed (change is
> relative to communicators' times not their signal). I think the
> communication-times may change when the communicators are at/above
> speed of light not the signal/packet. Is my physics correct?

Only time will tell.


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