On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:

> Nice post.
> I wonder whether a better mechanism for drawing newcomers into the inner
> circle - which is what I think you're intent is here - would be to randomly
> select people to be involved in a short online meeting to discuss the
> draft, rather than review it in isolation.
> It'd be a different kind of review, which adds value for us, I think, and
> would instantiate new human subnets which could be used to bootstrap other
> involvement.
> I think that would be a useful additional approach (maybe have those
randomly selected meet online before starting the reviews).  I do want to
be sensitive, though, to the language barriers to some extent.  I used to
recommend that folks interested in participating in a working group start
by being a scribe; I realized eventually how hard that was for some
participants whose native language was not English.  It's still useful for
those for whom real-time capture of rapidly moving discussion is feasible,
but we need something that allows folks time to reflect as well.

Just my 2 cents,



> This is, I stress, merely a quick reaction to your much more thoughtful
> post, and I reserve the right to backtrack and change my mind.

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