On 27 May 2013, at 16:37, John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

>> Is this above advice from Tripadvisor correct?
> I believe so, but when I was there a few years ago for the ICANN meeting, 
> excess cash was not a problem.  It wasn't hard to estimate how much cash I'd 
> need, and whatever was left I spent at the airport.  The wine they drink in 
> Argentina is often better than the stuff they send to the UK (which isn't 
> bad) and much cheaper.  Take some home in your suitcase, even if you have to 
> pay duty it's a bargain.

It's not necessarily so easy over the course of seven days. But I guess we 
could also just give all our leftover cash to a deserving Argentinian IETF 
attendee.  Fernando may like that approach :)

> This still doesn't mean I think a meeting in South America is a good idea, 
> though.  See other messages.

I think Jari's views are spot on. There's a bigger picture question to address, 
regardless of the meeting venues, and not just for that region. 


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