On Jun 20, 2013, at 10:12 PM, John C Klensin <john-i...@jck.com> wrote:

> p.s. I started a much more detailed response to Ben, but I think
> the essence of it is above.  IMO, a discussion that amounts to
> whether or not an AD used bad judgment by choosing to sponsor an
> individual Informational submission (or whether ADs should have
> that power at all) should not become part of evaluating a
> particular document's appropriateness.

I certainly didn't mean this to be a discussion of AD judgement. I suspect this 
would not be the first time the IETF has published an informational RFC that 
describes a non-IETF protocol, so there's probably precedent for doing so. It 
might be worth discussing whether that's a good precedent.

I also recognize that the authors have done a _lot_ of work on this draft, so 
this entire discussion is probably a bit unfair to them. I actually do hope it 
gets published somewhere.



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