On 7/30/2013 11:00 PM, SM wrote:
The hurdle in moving a specification (not a RFC) from PS to IS is that
the draft goes through IESG Evaluation again.  As for public review, it
can be a hurdle too as the pervious discussions can be rehashed.

And, of course, if it "can" be reshashed, in the IETF it will be.

However the specification for the new two-stage model provides criteria for the second stage, and it does not include re-evaluating the technology or its details. Instead it focuses on adoption and use.

No doubt, there will continue to be IESG and other IETF participants who insist on treating consideration of Full standard as an excuse to discuss first principles, but it's not within scope.

Over time, as more specifications are processed to Full, the community will learn to be a bit more efficient about it.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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