On Aug 16, 2013, at 1:42 PM, Henning Schulzrinne <h...@cs.columbia.edu>

> We already have a version of "self-pay", namely the very low student rate. 
> For that rate, you are supposed to show student ID (not sure how and whether 
> this is enforced), so it's not quite the same, but it's a "means-based" test, 
> as well as an attempt to increase the diversity of participants. Nearly every 
> scientific conference has versions of differentiated pricing - special rates 
> for authors, attendees from low-income countries, students, society members 
> (i.e., likely repeat attendees), ... In those venues, the general rule of 
> thumb for organizers is that even the lowest priced category pays for the 
> variable costs, and the fixed costs are borne by those more able to pay.
> We also have the early-registration rate - thus, late and on-site 
> registrations "subsidize" the early bird moochers.
> We presumably want to encourage building a community, and that includes 
> making it possible for people to attend who might not otherwise be able to. 
> Our objective is not one-time revenue optimization. Many individuals switch 
> back-and-forth between traveling on their own dime and on corporate tabs, and 
> we want to encourage continued engagement, if only to increase our supply of 
> Nomcom-eligibles.
> Thus, I think this is worth exploring, as an experiment, just like we started 
> the day-pass experiment a number of years ago.

I don't know what "this" refers to in the above sentence, but I agree with 
everything else in your note.

> Henning
>> I'm not talking about posting this info on web, nor a "full range of 
>> potential".  We already have multiple reg-fee categories; I'm talking about 
>> adding *one* more.  I don't know who in the "leadership" can see a list of 
>> what rates people paid - if we need to constrain that, that's a solvable 
>> problem.  It's not the sky falling.
>> Regardless, the same argument can be made for charging remote participants 
>> to "donate" 0-100% or whatever.
>> -hadriel

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