On 06/09/13 14:45, Scott Brim wrote:
> I wouldn't focus on government surveillance per se.  The IETF should
> consider that breaking privacy is much easier than it used to be,
> particularly given consolidation of services at all layers, and take
> that into account in our engineering best practices.  Our mission is
> to make the Internet better, and right now the Internet's weakness in
> privacy is far from "better".  The mandatory security considerations
> section should become security and privacy considerations.  The
> privacy RFC should be expanded and worded more strongly than just nice
> suggestions.  Perhaps the Nomcom should ask candidates about their
> understanding of privacy considerations.
> Scott

I am not sure that the "mandatory security and privacy considerations
section" in every draft would be sufficient. IMHO a number of issues
arise from the combination of various standards/technologies and that we
are sometimes missing a few but important pieces (e.g. stuff WGs said we
do "later" or which were seen as "nice to have" or "optional", and then
never happened...).

So although I think privacy concerns should be addressed in every draft,
I also think this goes into the architecture domain across a number of

Best regards, Tobias

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