I agree to appoint leader under clear procedures, so I am not sure of
representing without procedure is authorised in ietf, but I trust that ietf
leaders do practice procedure, but not sure if discussion meant that there
was something missing in this statement practice.


On Wednesday, October 9, 2013, Arturo Servin wrote:

>         We appointed our leaders, we have to trust them. They had to do a
> call,
> an important one and they made it.
>         I support what they did, that is what we chose them for, to
> represent
> us and be our voice. We cannot expect that they ask our opinion for
> every decision they made, that is not practical or possible in today's
> world. Sometimes like in this statement, we need to trust in their good
> judgment.
> My 20 cents,
> as
> On 10/9/13 12:00 PM, John C Klensin wrote:
> >
> >
> > --On Wednesday, October 09, 2013 02:44 -0400 Andrew Sullivan
> > <a...@anvilwalrusden.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >
> >> ...
> >> That does not say that the IAB has issued a statement.  On the
> >> contrary, the IAB did not issue a statement.  I think the
> >> difference between some individuals issuing a statement in
> >> their capacity as chairs and CEOs and so on, and the body for
> >> which they are chair or CEO or so on issuing a similar
> >> statement, is an important one.  We ought to attend to it.
> >>
> >> Please note that this message is not in any way a comment on
> >> such leadership meetings.  In addition, for the purposes of
> >> this discussion I refuse either to affirm or deny concurrence
> >> in the IAB chair's statement.  I merely request that we, all
> >> of us, attend to the difference between "the IAB Chair says"
> >> and "the IAB says".
> >
> > Andrew,
> >
> > While I agree that the difference is important for us to note,
> > this is a press release.  It would be naive at best to assume
> > that its intended audience would look at it and say "Ah. A bunch
> > of people with leadership roles in important Internet
> > organizations happened to be in the same place and decided to
> > make a statement in their individual capacities".  Not only does
> > it not read that way, but there are conventions for delivering
> > the "individual capacity" message, including prominent use of
> > phrases like "for identification only".
> >
> > Independent of how I feel about the content of this particular
> > statement,  if the community either doesn't like the message or
> > doesn't like this style of doing things, I think that needs to
> > be discussed and made clear.  That includes not only at the
> > level of preferences about community consultation but about
> > whether, in in the judgment of the relevant people, there is
> > insufficient time to consult the community, no statement should
> > be made at all.
> >
> > Especially from the perspective of having been in the
> > sometimes-uncomfortable position of IAB Chair, I don't think IAB
> > members can disclaim responsibility in a situation like this.
> > Unlike the Nomcom-appointed IETF Chair, the IAB Chair serves at
> > the pleasure and convenience of the IAB.  If you and your
> > colleagues are not prepared to share responsibility for
> > statements (or other actions) the IAB Chair makes that involve
> > that affiliation, then you are responsible for taking whatever
> > actions are required to be sure that only those actions are
> > taken for which you are willing to share responsibility.   Just
> > as you have done, I want to stress that I'm not recommending any
> > action here, only that IAB members don't get to disclaim
> > responsibility made by people whose relationship with the IAB is
> > the reason why that are, e.g., part of a particular letter or
> > statement.
> >
> >       john
> >

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