On 10/8/2013 11:34 AM, IETF Chair wrote:
I wanted to send a link to a statement that Russ and I signed as a
part of a meeting that we held last week with the leaders of other
Internet organisations.



There are a few things that we should consider rather more carefully
than we've been doing, beyond a few of the postings. (I'd especially like to suggest that there be more careful review of Andrew Sullivan's postings on the thread, since he raises essential point, in my view.)

In any event:

     1. In spite of calling itself a press release (at the bottom) and
having gone through an ISOC media person, what was released was not a
press release.   Neither in form nor substance.  Its title says
"statement", and the bottom list of people is in the style of a
signature list, rather than merely listing attendees -- and note that Jari does characterize this as being signed. Hence what was released was in the style of a formal statement, issued under the control of its signatories.

     2. The statement does not merely say that these folk met and
discussed stuff. It says they agreed to stuff, or at leased "called for" stuff.

     3. These people were acting as representatives of their
organizations; hence the use of their titles.  And the statement does
not explicitly say they were speaking only for themselves.  So their
agreement to the Statement needs to be taken as their speaking for their

4. Having both IETF Chair and IAB Chair makes it look like there were two organizations being represented, but in practical terms there really weren't.

5. It has been noted that the IAB is largely autonomous for something like this; hence the IAB Chair formally only has to answer to the IAB itself, and we are told he was in this case. What this begs is a question about the IAB acting independently of the IETF community...

My initial reading of the Statement was that it was quite benign, so
that any concern about it's speaking for the IETF was purely a matter of
principle.  In that regard, I considered it a nice test case for some
basic IETF discussion of the authority of our 'leaders' to make statements on our behalf but without our review or approval. Then I re-read the statement more carefully and landed on:

They called for accelerating the globalization of ICANN and IANA
functions, towards an environment in which all stakeholders,
including all governments, participate on an equal footing.

5. It's not at all clear what "accelerating the globalization" means here, since the statement offers no context for whatever 'globalization' efforts with ICANN and IANA are happening. Worse, this item is entirely political, involving organizations with which the IETF has on-going agreements and reliance. Further, I believe there is no IETF context -- nevermind consensus -- for the topic. As far as I know the IETF has no basic discomfort with its relationship with IANA, for example. We might individually make guesses about what this item in the Statement means, but my point is that a) we shouldn't have to, and b) it has no context within the IETF community. For any of our 'leaders' to make agreements on our behalf, about political issues of organizations with which we have formal arrangements -- and probably any other organizations -- is significantly problematic.

As has been noted, there are practical and formal limits to requirements for getting IETF rough consensus. Any constraints on public statements by IETF leaders needs to balance against those limits, if we are to allow folk to speak publicly at all.

6. The realities of trying to get IETF community rough consensus means that anything requiring timely action cannot seek formal consensus. To that end, we need to distinguish between 'review' and 'approval'. IETF community review can be very quick indeed, though probably not less than 24 hours, if the range of review comments is to be a good sampling of the community. In the current example, community review quickly noted the erroneous phrasing that confuses concern about disclosure of an act from concern about the act itself. (I'm working on the assumption that the Montevideo group is really more concerned that monitoring was/is taking place than that someone made this fact public...)

Now to a more basic issue. It's likely to be uncomfortable, but I'll stress that this isn't about individual people. Fortunately, no sane person can have any concerns about the intent of either of the IETF folk who participated in this event and its resulting Statement. So what follows is about IETF roles, responsibilities and authorities, not about individuals...

What does it mean to be a 'leader' in the IETF, who is Chair of the IETF or the IAB? Unlike CEOs and Presidents and Chairs of corporations, IETF leaders mostly don't lead. They don't set work agendas. They don't control overall budgets. They don't hire and fire people. For almost all of the formal IETF 'decisions' they participate in, it is with exactly one vote in a group, and not more authority than that. (And by the way, the IESG largely does not 'steer' the IETF. Initiatives for work come from the community and very nearly never from ADs or the IESG.)

IETF leaders are best viewed as facilitators, rather than leaders. They do huge amounts of organizing, coordinating, interfacing, in the classic style of the cliche'd 'shepherding cats'.

So when they speak on our behalf, it really does need to be an accurate rendition of IETF community views and not merely their guesses of those views or their hopes of what those views might or should be.

7. The released Statement was formulated by the group including two IETF 'leaders'. It was not subject to random formulation by a reporter, or the like. When people holding formal IETF roles participate in the formulation of formal Statements, things need to be carefully based on actual IETF community views.

We need to find some sort of language that gives constructive guidance and constraint about public representations of the IETF, by our 'leaders'. Not very long ago, there was a concern raised by Pete Resnick, when an IETF working group chair made statements at an ITU gathering and represented himself as an IETF wg chair. We might want to review whatever guidance came out of that.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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