Dear all!

Recently I read the two inspiring XAFS13-contributions of Shelly and Bruce 
dealing with the energy-shift (p.132) and the use of SCF-calculations (p. 137). 
In this respect I have a question regarding the Enot parameter in Artemis: 
Plotting the mue (4th column in xmu.dat) of a FEFF8.4 SCF calculation (of a 
transition metal oxide; here: Fe or Cr) against the second column ("e") of 
xmu.dat, I end up with a fairly decent reconstruction of my experimental XANES: 
the onset of the pre-edge resonances is located at negative energies (if I am 
right this is referred to as E_0 (bottom of the conduction band)) and the 
energy zero (i.e. Fermi energy) is located somewhere in the rising part of the 
absorption edge. If I then use the same (SCF) potentials and let FEFF do a 
path-expansion run, the header of the feffnnnn.dat contains a (negative) 
quantity called "edge", which gives exactly the difference between E_0 and 
E_fermi (as also explained in Matt's article: J. Sync. Rad., 2001, pp. 96-100). 
In the xmu.dat, k seems to be calculated relative to E_0 (i.e. to a negative 
energy in the 2nd ("e") column). Plotting a path in Artemis (or the xmu 
calculated for a single path) I had the impression that again k is referenced 
to E_0 (onset of the pre-edge feature) rather than to E_fermi (somewhere in the 
rising part of the edge). Is this true? Assuming that I set the E0-parameter in 
Athena to the first inflection point of the main edge (so in the upper 
nomenclature to something like E_Fermi) and assuming further that I do a 
shell-fit in Artemis, wouldn't I expect to end up (in an ideal case) with an 
Enot similar to the quantity "edge" given in the feffnnnn.dat rather than a 
Enot of (close to) 0?

I also found a mailing-list contribution (dating back to 2004) of Wojciech and 
Matt addressing a similar topic 
- still it is not clear to me what the effect on Artemis' Enot will be.

I hope I did not confuse too many things. I will greatly appreciate any hint 
clarifying this situation. 

With many thanks and best regards


Jakob Frommer 
Soil Chemistry Group 
Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, 
ETH Zürich 
Universitätstrasse 16, 
CHN F19 
CH - 8092 Zürich 
Tel: +41 44 632 87 58 
Fax: +41 44 633 11 18 

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