Hi all,

I'm having trouble running Demeter 0.9.6 under Parallels, and I'm wondering if 
anyone has had a similar problem, and/or a suggested solution.

I have a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) and Windows XP SP2 under 
Parallels 6. Demeter 0.4 was running fine. I attempted to install Demeter 
0.9.6, and it appeared to install normally, but when I launched Athena I 
noticed I was still in 0.4. Some poking around individual files seemed to 
confirm they had not been replaced. I then tried uninstalling Demeter--it said 
it was uninstalling 0.9.6, but got rid of 0.4, as I intended. I then installed 
0.9.6, which again seemed to work. Upon trying to launch any of the components 
of Demeter (Athena, Artemis, Hephaestus, Atoms) the splash box appears, sticks 
around a few seconds, and then disappears, along with the black DOS window. No 
notice of a crash appears; the program just fails to launch.

Any ideas?

--Scott Calvin
Sarah Lawrence College
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