Hi Marie,

Is that as far as your data goes? If so, the lesson for the future is to 
collect a longer pre-edge and post-edge region, if you don't plan to analyze 
them. If time is an issue, you can collect every ten eV or so in those extended 
regions--that's plenty to get a background, and doesn't take much time.

In any case, it's hard to tell from just XANES data how they should be 
normalized. Maybe what you show is fine, and maybe it's off by a bit--it's too 
hard to tell the trend of the background.

If you're not doing linear combination analysis or PCA, but are just comparing 
one spectrum to another, looking for changes, and interpreting them 
qualitatively, I think what you have is fine--in that cases, what's important 
is that the spectra be normalized similarly, and that does appear to be what 
you've done.

--Scott Calvin
Sarah Lawrence College

On Aug 7, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Marie Zwetsloot wrote:

Dear Ifeffit community,

Thanks for your questions. I am very new to this field (M.Sc. student in soil 
science), so I really appreciate that you are taking the time to give me some 
I have attached a picture of some of the normalized spectra I am working with 
as well as mu(E) spectra (I am sorry for attaching the picture, for some reason 
my email did not allow me to copy it into this message). I am doing Xanes 
analysis on phosphorus in bone char. My normalization range is from 15-60 eV 
and pre-edge range is from -13.5 to -6.75.
Maybe my normalized spectra looked actually fine; they are not that far above 1 
(more or less around 0.3 above). I just thought they looked a little 

Let me know what you think.


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