You might also consider the method given in:
Manceau, A., Marcus, M. A., Grangeon, S. (2012) "Determination of Mn valence states 
in mixed-valent magnanates by XANES spectroscopy", American Mineralogist 97,816-827

(not that I'm plugging my own work or anything :-) )
        Marcus, M. A.

On 8/9/2012 7:53 AM, Enyuan Hu wrote:
Hi Dominik,

Thank you so much for your quick response. Indeed, it's really nice fitting 
according to your result. But my situation seems a little bit different as I'm 
dealing with the Mn XANES data and there're doublets and sometimes triplets in 
the pre-edge. Actually, I might as well explain my interest of doing such 
fitting. I read in the paper _(F Farges, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71, 155109 (2005))_ 
that the centroid of pre-edge peak is a more accurate measurement of the 
oxidation state of the element of interest, compared to the more conventional 
inflection point or half-way method. So I was trying to follow the paper and 
see if it also works for my samples. Anyway, thanks again for your help!


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:11 AM, < 
<>> wrote:

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    Today's Topics:

        1. Re: question for ifeffit mailing list - ATHENA    NORMALIZATION
           (Marie Zwetsloot)
        2. Re: question for ifeffit mailing list -   ATHENA  NORMALIZATION
           (Scott Calvin)
        3. pre-edge centroid (Enyuan Hu)
        4. Re: pre-edge centroid (Dominik Samuelis)


    Message: 1
    Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 13:17:59 -0400
    From: Marie Zwetsloot < <>>
    Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] question for ifeffit mailing list - ATHENA
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Hi Scott Calvin,

    Thanks for your help. Yes, this is as far as my pre- and post-edge range
    go. I realized I should have made them longer; it was my first time doing
    this and wasnt aware that i should lengthen my pre and post-edge for later
    on analysis. This will be good lesson for the future.

    So you would not recommend doing linear combination fitting? I was planning
    on trying it out.. But I wouldnt want to do it if with my pre- and
    post-edge range, I am bound to derive wrong conclusions from the data.

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    Message: 2
    Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 15:10:16 -0400
    From: Scott Calvin < 
    To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit < 
    Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] question for ifeffit mailing list -      ATHENA
    Message-ID: < 
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Hi Marie,

    I think you can try linear combination fitting, but you'll have to build in 
the uncertainty in normalization in to your own estimates of uncertainty.

    If you don't check the box that says "force weights to sum to 1," then you 
can allow for normalization errors in your sample.

    If your standards also have only short energy ranges, then there's nothing 
you can do about that, though. As I said, you'll just have to build them in to 
your uncertainty. If you are unsure of the edge jump of a standard to 20%, then 
the contribution of that standard to the linear combination fit is uncertain by 

    Uncertainty in normalization is one of the leading contributions to the 
uncertainty that should be associated with linear combination fitting, even 
when the energy ranges are sufficient. In a case like yours, they're bigger 
than they could have been, but it doesn't mean you can't use linear combination 
analysis at all.

    --Scott Calvin
    Sarah Lawrence College

    On Aug 8, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Marie Zwetsloot wrote:

     > Hi Scott Calvin,
     > Thanks for your help. Yes, this is as far as my pre- and post-edge range 
go. I realized I should have made them longer; it was my first time doing this and 
wasnt aware that i should lengthen my pre and post-edge for later on analysis. 
This will be good lesson for the future.
     > So you would not recommend doing linear combination fitting? I was 
planning on trying it out.. But I wouldnt want to do it if with my pre- and 
post-edge range, I am bound to derive wrong conclusions from the data.
     > Best,
     > Marie
     > _______________________________________________
     > Ifeffit mailing list


    Message: 3
    Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 00:21:14 -0400
    From: Enyuan Hu < <>>
    To: ifeffit < 
    Subject: [Ifeffit] pre-edge centroid
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Dear all,

    I was wondering if anyone could comment on how to get the centroid of
    pre-edge by fitting the pre-edge peak by pseudo-Voigt functions. I tried to
    do that in Athena, but it seemed that peaking fitting part is the
    relatively less developed function in the software. Any comment would be

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    Message: 4
    Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 15:11:31 +0200
    From: Dominik Samuelis < 
    To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit < 
    Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] pre-edge centroid
    Message-ID: < 
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

    Dear Enyuan,

    in my experience, peak fitting works very well with Athena. Try not to
    fit only the prepeak, but maybe include an arctan describing the edge
    (see attached pdf, the fit was made using athena). This makes isolating
    the prepeak much more reliable.

    Best regards,

    On 09.08.2012 06:21, Enyuan Hu wrote:
     > Dear all,
     > I was wondering if anyone could comment on how to get the centroid of
     > pre-edge by fitting the pre-edge peak by pseudo-Voigt functions. I tried
     > to do that in Athena, but it seemed that peaking fitting part is the
     > relatively less developed function in the software. Any comment would be
     > appreciated.
     > Enyuan
     > _______________________________________________
     > Ifeffit mailing list

    Dr. Dominik Samuelis <>
    Max-Planck-Institut f?r Festk?rperforschung
    Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
    Heisenbergstr. 1
    70569 Stuttgart
    Phone +49-711-689-1769 <tel:%2B49-711-689-1769>
    Fax +49-711-689-1722 <tel:%2B49-711-689-1722>
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