Dear all,

I am confused about the degeneracy and the coordination number used in the Artemis program.
I want to get the coordination number of 1st shell of my copper sample, so I set a guess number N1=12(initial guess) as the coordination number which will vary during the fitting iteration, but when I am looking at the 1st path's parameters, there is another N appear which may stand for the degeneracy.The 1st path of copper model is single scattering, so the degeneracy N equals coordination number . But when I set N=12, the guessed N1 will have a value which is closed to 1, only when I set N=1, the guessed N1 will have a value which is closed to 12. It seems that N and N1 are reciprocals. But I think N actually equals N1 in the single scattering case.

So I am really confused, If I want to get coordination number of a shell in a fitting, how can I deal with floated coordination number and its path degeneracy N?

Thanks so much.
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