Hi Eugenio,

It has generally been found that S02 is transferrable, even from metals to 

In practice, the bigger effect is generally sample and measurement issues. For 
example, if you are measuring powders in transmission and the grain size is 
larger than a small fraction of the absorption length, then the EXAFS will be 
suppressed and mimic a smaller S02. If your standard is then a metal foil, the 
effective S02 for your powder will be smaller than the foil, not because of an 
intrinsic difference in absorption, but because of the distortion due to grain 

--Scott Calvin
Sarah Lawrence College

On Jan 11, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Eugenio Otal wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question about S02 measurement in samples for CN calculation.
> By example, If I have an oxynitide, LaTiO2N, Can I use TiO2 as
> standard for S02 even the Ti in LaTiO2N is coordinated to O and N? In
> a more extreme case, is possible to use metals? Which are the
> recommendations and limits?
> Regards, euG

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