I am just now going through the tutorials for Artemis (from the 2011 Diamond 
Light  Source course), so I am by no means familiar with Artemis, but I am 
seeing the same black buttons.  I am running Demeter 0.9.18 from MacPorts, on a 
Mac 10.8.5, and I don't think I have ever played with the color theme.

I can't speak about the feff transferring paths issue (yet).

(In the ifeffit mailing list digest I can't seem to see Alison's screenshot, 
but what I see sounds the same.)

Martha W. Schaefer    
Louisiana State University

>>> On 03/24/2014 03:21 PM, Alison Tebo wrote:
>>>> I am running Demeter 0.9.18 installed on a Mac 10.6.8 via the (very
>>>> helpful!) Macports port. I've had nearly no problems with processing my
>>>> data, but Artemis appears very strange. Most of the button can't be seen
>>>> and are black instead (I've attached a screenshot). The bigger problem
>>>> is that once I run a Feff calculation, I can't seem to transfer the
>>>> paths from the Feff Window into the Data Window (see second screenshot).
>>>> The program seems to think it's doing it--there are no error messages in
>>>> the log and it even makes the little graphic as it 'grabs' the path--but
>>>> it never transfers it over to the Data Window.
>>>> I have attached a project file where I get this error, the feff input
>>>> file that I run the calculation on, and two screenshots of what Artemis
>>>> looks like for me. I don't think the input and project file matter much
>>>> since this happens for me even with examples from the various courses
>>>> Bruce has given.
>>>> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Hi Alison,
>>> First off, I apologize that it has taken me so long to respond to this.
>>> Busy time.
>>> I don't quite understand the bigger problem.  This is certainly  not a
>>> problem I have on other platforms.  Do other Mac users observe the same
>>> behavior?
>>> As for the lesser problem, looking at the icons across the top in your
>>> screenshots, it would seem that you are using some kind of color theme that
>>> is different from a Mac out of the box.  Is that right?  If so, how does
>>> the software behave if you change the theme back to the default?
>>> Cheers,
>>> B
>>> --
>>> Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov
>>> National Institute of Standards and Technology
>>> Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
>>> Building 535A
>>> Upton NY, 11973
>>> Homepage:    http://xafs.org/BruceRavel
>>> Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
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