Dear Jatin,

There are many approaches for the first part of your question, how to find CNs 
for model clusters of different sizes and shapes.
One approach is to read in the coordinates of each atom in the cluster into a 
program (my student wrote it but such programs may be out there on internet and 
available for download) that would calculate the pair distribution function for 
every atomic species (good also for compounds, not just monometallic clusters).

The advantage is that it can be used for disordered clusters, not just ideal 
fcc clusters. Then, the area of the PDF histogram peaks corresponding to a 
specific atomic shell can be calculated and these areas are the coordination 
numbers of those shells.

This method is described in this paper, and I can send you the electronic copy 
if you'd like.

D. Glasner and A. I. Frenkel
Geometrical characteristics of regular polyhedra: Application to EXAFS studies 
of nanoclusters
AIP Conf. Proc. 882, 746-748 (2007).

How to handle multiple scattering paths that cannot be calculated by the PDF 
approach? The best chance that this multiple scattering analysis will work is 
if the clusters have fcc structure for which it is known that the most 
important ms paths are collinear.  Most clusters have convex shape, at least 
the most commonly studied ones. For convex shapes, if any two points belong to 
the shape, the line connecting them belongs to the shape too. Hence, the CNs of 
double and triple scattering
collinear paths that connect each atom and its 4th nearest neighbor (and an 
intervening atom), can be simply related to the CNs of single scattering paths 
to the 4th nearest neighbors. Those relationships are listed in the paper you 

It is true that for bulk fcc structures other collinear paths contribute to the 
fit, and some non-collinear paths are important for the fit. But, those are 
negligible in clusters which are supposed to be somewhat distorted from ideal 
fcc structure and, hence, other ms paths are not expected to contribute much 
because their large degeneracies are lifted and they just cancel each other due 
to large static disorder in their lengths.

hcp clusters also can be analyzed by this approach - there is a paper on that 
as well:

A. M. Karim, V. Prasad, W. W. Lonergan, A. I. Frenkel, J. G. Chen, D. G. Vlachos
Correlating particle size and shape of supported Ru/g-Al2O3 with NH3 
decomposition activity
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 , 12230-12239, 2009.

Other codes were used, for example, in our recent paper:

B. Roldan Cuenya, J. R. Croy, S. Mostafa, F. Behafarid, L. Li, Z. Zhang, J. C. 
Yang, Q. Wang, A. I. Frenkel
Solving the structure of size-selected Pt nanocatalysts synthesized by inverse 
micelle encapsulation
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 8747-8756 (2010)

There, we tried different shapes of fcc clusters (known to be synthesized as 
shape selective) until for a certain cluster shape and size, the set of model 
CNs plus the model cluster diameter matched well the experimental CNs and 
diameter (obtained by STEM but in your case you can try using Debye-Scherrer 
formula). It is the same principle of analysis as in the original JPCB paper 
you quoted but the code was different than in the AIP Conf Proc paper.

The main comment if you are interested in trying this type of analysis is that 
you have to have a pretty good idea that your clusters are monodispersed and 
you do not have, for example, unreduced precursors or singly dispersed atoms on 
support in addition to clusters. If that's the case, XRD will miss it and you 
will not know what your EXAFS data mean, small clusters of the same size and 
shape, or a broader size distribution with a lot of unreduced atoms and small 

It is a long topic and we often discuss these methods at our short XAFS courses 
at BNL. The next one, by the way, will be on Nov. 13-15, and I will send a 
separate announcement to the list when the program is finalized.

Hope it helps,


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-------- Original message --------
From: "Rana, Jatinkumar Kantilal"
Date:07/15/2014 7:43 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [Ifeffit] crystallite size determination by EXAFS

Dear all,

I have some questions regarding crystallite size determination by EXAFS. I am 
investigating a system where there is a formation of metallic Cu in the system. 
I could see the presence of metallic Cu in the sample by XRD and EXAFS. 
However, high resolution TEM does not show any evidence of metallic Cu, perhaps 
the crystallite size is much smaller than the resolving power of the microscope 
and/or these crystallites are highly disordered.

Nevertheless, I thought of estimating the size of Cu crystallites by EXAFS. I 
know at least two approaches described by two prominent members of the mailing 
list, Scott Calvin and Anatoly Frenkel. The approach by Scott Calvin 
( estimates crystallite 
size based on an assumption that they are spherical in shape. On the other 
hand, Anatoly Frenkel’s approach estimates both size and shape of crystallites 
based on the number of neighbors in each coordination shell obtained from EXAFS 

I have questions about the second approach. I would like to know how to 
calculate the number of neighbors in various coordination shells as a function 
of cluster size for different shapes ? Conversely, if one knows the number of 
neighbors in various shells from EXAFS fits, then how to correlate those 
numbers to clusters of different sizes and shapes as discussed by Anatoly 

I know my questions are very specific, but I am sure many in the list would 
have already tried both these approaches and may provide some valuable insights.

Many thanks in advance !

With best regards,


Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

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