
Thank you for this helpful email. You are, of course, correct that the column selection dialog is still active, even though the wrong cursor is showing.

This has been annoying me lately when I am at the beamline (with a Win7 machine), but then I forget about it when I get back to my desk (with a linux machine, which does not show this problem). I'll look into it, but it's possible that this is an upstream bug, therefore something I can't fix. But I'll try.

Again, thanks for the helpful post.

On 09/05/2014 11:58 AM, Godfrey, Ian wrote:
Dear All,

This bug report is for a very minor cosmetic issue, but I’m reporting it
as it fooled me into thinking Athena had hung and doing a lot of
unnecessary troubleshooting – hopefully I can save someone else from the
same fate!

I experienced this issue with Demeter 0.9.20 on Windows 8 x64 and
Windows 7 x64. I don’t recall this issue on previous versions of
Demeter, but I could be wrong. The bug is as follows. When you open the
Athena “Import” window (file > import data) the cursor over the data
import window changes to the Windows’ busy cursor indefinitely (see
screenshot) when it should be the normal cursor (it doesn’t impair
functionality in anyway – you’re still fully able to interact with the
window, create plots etc.).

Like I said, not a big bug but it led to me wasting a bit of time so I
thought I’d report it.


Ian Godfrey (UCL)

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 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

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