What I was after was L3/L2, so I don't care about L1.  The attached plot 
doesn't show the jumps for both L2 and L3.

When you say that the edge jumps are 5.8,1.4 and 1.1, are you referring to 
mu(+)/mu(-)?  I was looking for (mu(+)-mu(-))_L3/(mu(+)-mu(-))_L2.

What about that seeming inconsistency between the values H. gives for the 
thickness needed for unit edge step and the cm^2/gm values reported? That seems 
to be a bug indpependent of
the tables used.

On 9/24/2015 9:15 AM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi Matthew, Jana,

I think the Chantler values, especially in Hephaestus, are not particularly 
robust at the Ca L edges.

To be clear, Elam gives L3, L2, and L1 energies as 346.2, 349.7,  and 438.4 eV, 
and the edge jumps as 5.8, 1.4, and 1.1.  I believe those edge jumps may have 
originated from Shaltout -- maybe Bruce can clarify that.

The Chantler data from the NIST FFast web page (and in Hephaestus) are quite 
sparse.  This is a definitely a problem for using the anomalous scattering 
factors near edges. I've talked with Chris Chantler about this a few times over 
the years.  Not too long ago, he sent me data on a finer grid -- but he also 
told be recently that he hoped to have even better data he could send to me 
soon (all time-scales here on months-to-years here).

I've included the finer data I have from Chantler into Larch. But the results 
for the Ca L edges are still not encouraging.   The attached figure and ASCII 
data file give the results for mu(E) (gr/cm^2) from Elam and from Chantler.  
It's hard to see an L2 edge in either, and Chantler does not show an L1 edge.

FWIW, the script to generate this is:

energies = linspace(300, 500, 101)
muca_chantler = mu_chantler('Ca', energies)
muca_elam = mu_elam('Ca', energies)

newplot(energies, muca_chantler, ymax = 50000, label='Chantler')
plot(energies, muca_elam, label='Elam')

info_head = 'Ca edge Energy(eV)  Fyield   EdgeJump'

info_l3 = ' L3       %.1f    %.5f    %.2f' % xray_edge('Ca', 'L3')
info_l2 = ' L2       %.1f    %.5f    %.2f' % xray_edge('Ca', 'L2')
info_l1 = ' L1       %.1f    %.5f    %.2f' % xray_edge('Ca', 'L1')

write_ascii('CaMu.dat', energies, muca_elam, muca_chantler,
              info_head, info_l3, info_l2, info_l1,
              label='Energy  MuCa_Elam  MuCa_Chantler')

I'm not sure that gives a lot of insight except that not trusting Chantler's 
values for these values might be reasonable.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Matthew Marcus <mamar...@lbl.gov 
<mailto:mamar...@lbl.gov>> wrote:

    I'm not after absolute data, just the edge-jump ratio.  This would have to 
be extracted by peak+arctan fitting because any spectra will have peaks and a 
very limited
    range between edges.  If the Chantler numbers are incorrect, then perhaps 
the edge-jump ratio is really 2.

    Do you have a reference which can be cited?

    I'll try the CXRO tool next, since CXRO specializes in soft X-rays.

    On 9/23/2015 11:49 PM, Jana Padeznik Gomilsek wrote:

        It is very hard to measure or to calculate absolute absorption data, 
especially in the
        vicinity of the absorption edges and especially in the soft x-ray 
region. Therefore there
        are significant differences between the tables and I think nobody knows 
        are better.
        Chantler, for example, says the expected uncertainties of the tables in 
your region are
        50 % to 100 % 
        I would doubt the Chantler's L3+.1 number, all other numbers look ok - 
this is what you
        can get.

        jana padeznik gomilsek

            Message: 3
            Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:02:08 -0700
            From: Matthew Marcus<mamar...@lbl.gov <mailto:mamar...@lbl.gov>>
            To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit<ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov 
            Subject: [Ifeffit] Problem with Hephaestus at Ca L-edges
            Message-ID:<56034b90.70...@lbl.gov <mailto:56034b90.70...@lbl.gov>>
            Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

            I wanted to work out the edge-jump ratio between the L3 and L2 
edges of Ca using Hephaestus.  I ran into two problems:

            1.      The ratio implied by what it says for the unit-edge-step 
thickness does not agree with that derived by computing the absorption 
(cm^2/gm) above and below each edge and
                     dividing the difference (L3+ - L3-)/(L2+ - L2-).

            2.      The results differ wildly depending on which resource I use:

                                  L3-.1       L3+.1     L2-.1       L2+.1    
(L1+ - L1-)/(L2+ - L2-)
            Elam               4759.796    27837.796 27478.018 38434.277   
            Chantler           4322.6       6547.121  32827.61 35436.543   
            Cromer-Leiberman   4288.524    33471.375 32786.294 47072.991   

            The Henke table doesn't yield an L2 edge jump at all, while the 
Shaltout yields the same results as Cromer-Leiberman. Which one should I trust 
and why?

            This is old-style H. (V0.18), not Demeter.

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