Ah, yes...special characters...çã...Athena does not seem to like those in file names If I replace with Calibração with Calibracao in a test directory of my own, then the file opens without issue.


On 11/9/2015 11:01 AM, Marcelo Eduardo Alves wrote:
I have downloaded the zip-file containing the example files and extracted them into other subfolders (i.e. C:\Users\Marcelo\Documents\1.Athena Calibração e Alinhamento\Examples\Fe foil).
I think that this was my error.
When I use C:\Fe foil the file was opened in Athena without any issue.
Thank you Robert and Guanghui

2015-11-09 16:24 GMT-02:00 <ifeffit-requ...@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov <mailto:ifeffit-requ...@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>>:

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    Today's Topics:

       1. Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena version
          (Marcelo Eduardo Alves)
       2. Re: Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena    version
          (Robert Gordon)
       3. Re: Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena  version
          (Guanghui Zhang)
       4. Problems with EXAFS Fitting of Metalloprotein Zinc Samples
          (Carolyn Carr)


    Message: 1
    Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 15:41:33 -0200
    From: "Marcelo Eduardo Alves" <mealves.es...@usp.br
    To: <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
    Subject: [Ifeffit] Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena
    Message-ID: <97FB7D67CF2142A48FA29F9776D0A164@MarceloPC>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Dear all,

    I am using the latest version of Demeter (0.9.24) and I have
    downloaded the data files available at

    However, I am not being able to open the example files in Athena
    (e.g., Fe.060 of Fe foil folder).

    Please, would it be possible to open those example files in the
    latest Athena version.

    Thank you.


    Marcelo Eduardo Alves
    Departamento de Ci?ncias Exatas - ESALQ/USP
    Avenida P?dua Dias, 11
    13418-900 Piracicaba-SP
    Fone: 19-3429-4151- RAMAL 26
    Email: mealves.es...@usp.br <mailto:mealves.es...@usp.br>
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    Message: 2
    Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 10:05:45 -0800
    From: Robert Gordon <ragor...@alumni.sfu.ca
    To: ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
    Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena
    Message-ID: <5640e079.8010...@alumni.sfu.ca
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

    Hi Marcelo,

    How did you save the data file?
    I can open Fe.060 without  issue using 0.9.22 but in order to do so,
    I clicked on the fe.060 link, then selected RAW and then saved as
    If I just right-clicked and saved link as from the list page, I
    ended up
    some html document.


    On 11/9/2015 9:46 AM, Marcelo Eduardo Alves wrote:
    > I have downloaded the worked examples available at
    > https://github.com/bruceravel/XAS-Education
    > However, I am not being able to open them in the latest Athena
    > (0.9.24) (e.g., Fe.060 of Fe foil folder).
    > Could those files be opened in the last Athena version?
    > Thank you.
    > Marcelo.
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    Message: 3
    Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 12:13:53 -0600
    From: "Guanghui Zhang" <brighto...@126.com
    To: "XAFS Analysis using
    Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena
    Message-ID: <6b2b48e5.6.150ed73086d.coremail.brighto...@126.com
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    I am currently using the Demeter 0.9.24, and I can open the Fe.060
    file without any problem. As Robert mentioned, I saved the raw
    data as text file.



    ????Robert Gordon <ragor...@alumni.sfu.ca
    ?????2015-11-09 12:05
    ???Re: [Ifeffit] Opening "older" data files in the latest Athena

    Hi Marcelo,

    How did you save the data file?
    I can open Fe.060 without  issue using 0.9.22 but in order to do so,
    I clicked on the fe.060 link, then selected RAW and then saved as
    If I just right-clicked and saved link as from the list page, I
    ended up with
    some html document.


    On 11/9/2015 9:46 AM, Marcelo Eduardo Alves wrote:

    I have downloaded the worked examples available at

    However, I am not being able to open them in the latest Athena
    version (0.9.24) (e.g., Fe.060 of Fe foil folder).

    Could those files be opened in the last Athena version?

    Thank you.


    Ifeffit mailing list
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    Message: 4
    Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2015 13:24:07 -0500
    From: Carolyn Carr <cc...@chem.umass.edu
    To: ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
    Subject: [Ifeffit] Problems with EXAFS Fitting of Metalloprotein Zinc
    Message-ID: <20151109132407.99127g2zy7ipe...@umail.oit.umass.edu
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";


    I have a general question rather than specific. I have only ever fit
    XAS data on metalloproteins and one feature that I see is that when
    fitting Zinc samples in R-space there is no local minima. For Cobalt
    and Nickel samples I typically get one or a few fits that are
    obviously significantly better in R-factor (with reasonable distances,
    sigma^2, etc) but for Zinc this is not the case.

    I can get many good fits and Zinc likes to increase the coordination
    up to 8 for all data sets I have ever fit, although there is obviously
    no physical basis in this. This is true of not just my own proteins
    but Zinc samples made by collaborators, and after looking through
    previous group members fit tables, they had similar issues.

    My understanding is that one of the benefits of fitting in R-space is
    that there is a local minima, whereas in k-space there are many
    minima. I was wondering if there was a physical basis for this feature
    in Zinc samples, or if perhaps my group is not aware of some
    experimental setup that we should be doing for Zinc that would resolve
    this problem.

    Thank you for any help regarding this matter,

    Carolyn Carr


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    End of Ifeffit Digest, Vol 153, Issue 12

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