Oh, so it assumes that chi(k) = (mu(E(k))-spline(k))/const.?  Mine does 
(mu(E(k))-spline(k))/spline(k), which I guess has its own problems - any wiggles
driven in the spline will multiply the EXAFS.  I haven't seen any effect from 
this, though.  Maybe the right thing is (mu(E(k))-spline(k))/smooth(E(k))
where smooth is a smooth post-edge background such as a polynomial or spline 
with fewer knots than the subtraction spline or even a tensioned spline.  I'd
be willing to bet that this refinement will make no detectable difference, 
especially if you do the reference data the same way.  I've found that you can 
the most amazingly bogus things and get away with it as long as you do them 
equally to your reference and unknown, especially if the reference is very
similar to the unknown.  Of course, you can't rely on that.

On 7/27/2016 1:45 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:
On 07/27/2016 04:39 PM, Matthew Marcus wrote:
I'm not sure I get your point about ion-chamber response.  Shouldn't
that normalize out in post-edge spline?

Athena edge-step normalizes (i.e. normalizes by a constant) by default. It does 
not do a functional (or energy dependent) normalization by default in the way 
you are suggesting.

If the I0 chamber gets less sensitive as a function of energy, then the
post-edge background rises by the same amount
as the wiggles get bigger, so it divides out.  Similarly for probe-depth
effects, depending on concentration.  Another
couple of possible sources of amplitude error:
1.    The model for the pre-edge background is inaccurate, so that its
extrapolation to the EXAFS region is incorrect.
    For instance, if there's a lot of elastic scatter getting into the
fluorescence detector, then the pre-edge is curved,
    and if you model that with a straight line fitted near the edge,
them you'll be off far from the edge.  Similarly, in
    a long transmission scan, both pre- and post-edge are curved.  My
background-sub program has simple models for thse
    shapes which aren't perfect but help.  This effect is really hard to
control for because you have no real way to know
    what the 'right' answer is, most of the time.

2.    Overabsorption will definitely reduce the amplitude of the
wiggles, and I'm surprise Bruce didn't menntion it.  It looks
    much like pinhole effect.  Harmonics do similar things as well in

My brain is really tiny and it's getting to be late in the afternoon here.  
It's amazing that many bullet points actually made it into the email!


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