Hi Anselm,

Things change over time and there are a lot of slightly different linux distributions out there.

If you get to a point where you can build correctly on Arch and would like to contribute an how to or some modifications to build scripts, that would be great. I would be more than happy to see that your contributions get used or linked to as appropriate.


On 08/26/2016 07:33 AM, Loges, Anselm G wrote:
Dear all,

I hope this is the right platform for my question. If not, sorry to
bother anyone. The question:

Has anyone successfully installed pgplot and ifeffit on a recent Arch
Linux system and could provide a quick how-to guide (also for the
Demeter website maybe)? Although I have not yet tested it, my problem
may also be relevant for current Debian/Ubuntu systems. Here's the

I am trying to install ifeffit on a current Arch Linux machine and
therefore need to install pgplot first. The PGPLOT_install script on the
respective GitHub page (as linked by a tutorial on the Demeter page, see
links below) does not work because it relies on several outdated paths
to dependencies. The one culprit I was able to isolate and fix was the
path to the X11 libraries, which the script looks for here:

/usr/X11    or /usr/X11R6

but in current Arch Linux (at least in mine, which is Manjaro to be
precise, link below) is here:


This alone does not fix all problems, there are several dependencies
missing in the X11 directory and I could not find out what the actual
relevant package names are in Arch (Debian/Ubuntu names cannot be
found). Also the config files of pgplot seem to have a bunch of similar
problems that (at least partially) seem to stem from use of an old
fortran-to-c translator (f2c) instead of the gcc fortran frontend
and missing dependencies for that.

If I am not mistaken, the latest Ubuntu LTS (16.04.) also has the
/usr/share/X11 path, so the script should not work there either.

I'd be happy to provide an updated installation script if I ever get it
running but I thought I'd ask if someone has done that already or has
solved the related problems so as not to invent the wheel anew.





Best regards,


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 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
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 Building 743, Room 114
 Upton NY, 11973

 Homepage:    http://bruceravel.github.io/home/
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