Hi Folks,

We've released and uploaded Larch 0.9.33.  This have been many small fixes
and improvements over the past year or so,  including significant progress
on handling X-ray diffraction data from X-ray micro-probes.

There have also been improvements in Python 3 support,so that almost
everything now works in both Python 2.7 and 3.6.

The "server mode" for Athena  and Artemis now works on all platforms and I
strongly encourage everyone to use this over the ifeffit back end.

Progress has been made on the xyfit app, a peak fitting GUI.  It's not
complete, but any feedback on functionality or usability at this point
would be greatly appreciated.

To install, please see http://cars.uchicago.edu/xraylarch/installation.html

--Matt Newville
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