Hi Scott,

I collect up to 2240 eV often, because that's about where the mirror stops, but 
end up truncating it at 2200 eV before fitting because sometimes I end up with 
all sorts of non-systematic background things at higher energies, depending on 
the sample.

I still collect the data because it helps me to troubleshoot, but I chop it 
before fitting because 2200 eV is the limit of what I normally consider 
consistently "good data." I end up with spectra that, to my eye anyway, are 
comparable. For dilute samples, I don't usually trust it beyond that. For 
concentrated samples, I don't have a problem.



> On Jan 15, 2019, at 5:12 PM, Scott Calvin <dr.scott.cal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Is there a reason the data stops at 2200 eV—e.g., is there another edge just 
> above that?
> —Scott
>> On Jan 15, 2019, at 8:02 PM, Mike Massey <mmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Riti and Carlo.
>> Riti: will give it a go, thanks! I think the data are salvageable, it's just 
>> a question of how...
>> Carlo: Interesting point. In terms of how I'm fitting it, I just use the LCF 
>> window to do a two-component fit. Nothing super fancy.
>> But what you're suggesting is that maybe I have a misunderstanding in the 
>> way I'm normalizing my data. That's entirely possible. I generally try to 
>> get a nice flat background by following the "flat part" of the spectra but 
>> in cases like this the pre- and post-edge lines end up not parallel. I can 
>> force it to be parallel, and that helps the fit to behave better, but ends 
>> up creating other normalization issues.
>> Much obliged for the responses so far.
>> Mike
>>> On Jan 15, 2019, at 4:42 PM, Carlo Segre <se...@iit.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Mike:
>>> How are you trying to fit it?  It looks to me like the post edge line is 
>>> not in the right place.  You need to tune it by hand when you have such a 
>>> short energy range after the edge since the normalization is critically 
>>> dependent on how you set this line.
>>> carlo
>>>> On Tue, 15 Jan 2019, Mike Massey wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Does anyone have advice for LCF of spectra with a small edge step?
>>>> I've recently found myself with more and more issues fitting spectra like 
>>>> the one shown in the attached photo, where the spectrum is of good 
>>>> quality, but the fits end up not working out due to normalization (as far 
>>>> as I can tell).
>>>> Sadly, I have so far ended up just throwing these fits out, but I'm hoping 
>>>> there is a better solution out there that someone might be able to 
>>>> recommend.
>>>> One solution is "get more of the element of interest," as a beamline 
>>>> scientist recently told me. I'm just reluctant to really load it up in the 
>>>> data collection, because at 2 keV I get nervous about artifacts like 
>>>> self-absorption.
>>>> Is there a better way? What am I missing?
>>>> Thanks for your thoughts,
>>>> Mike
>>> -- 
>>> Carlo U. Segre -- Duchossois Leadership Professor of Physics
>>> Interim Chair, Department of Chemistry
>>> Director, Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation
>>> Illinois Institute of Technology
>>> Voice: 312.567.3498            Fax: 312.567.3494
>>> se...@iit.edu   http://phys.iit.edu/~segre   se...@debian.org
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