
I have recently installed Demeter suite on my LinuxMint 20 machine with all required dependencies met. Athena works well and Demeter passed all tests during installation. When running Artemis however, there is an issue with fits that persists with provided examples any any other projects I open (including the ones done by colleagues and just re-run on my machine).

After the fit (which completes fine and returns expected fit that looks ok when comparing it to experiment), when inspecting the log file, chi-square, reduced chi-square and R values are equal to 0 (example log file attached bellow). No errors accompany the fit.

I am using Larch installed with anaconda, and Artemis uses Feff6 executable. I have re-installed Demeter and tried to get it to work with Ifeffit but the error persists. I have found an existing git hub thread dealing with similar issue (https://github.com/bruceravel/demeter/issues/62) but no solution that I could discern. Could it be an issue with my perl version (5.30.0)?

If someone has any ideas what the issue could be and how to fix it, I would appreciate the help. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information, and I apologize if there is something obvious I may have missed.


Ava Rajh
 Name            : Fit 4    (fzexv)                                             
 Description     : fit to cu010k                                                
 Figure of merit : 4                                                            
 Time of fit     : 2021-03-26T12:12:21                                          
 Environment     : Demeter 0.9.26 with perl 5.030000 and using Larch X.xx on 
 Interface       : Artemis (Wx 0.9932)                                          
 Prepared by     : ava@ava-PC                                                   
 Contact         :                                                              


Independent points          : 25.401
Number of variables         : 4
Chi-square                  : 0.0000000
Reduced chi-square          : 0.0000000                                         
R-factor                    : 0.0000000                                         
Number of data sets         : 1

Happiness = 100.00/100             color = #D8E796                              
***** Note: happiness is a semantic parameter and should *****                  
*****    NEVER be reported in a publication -- NEVER!    *****                  

guess parameters:                                                               
  ss_Cu1             =   0.00341875    # +/-   0.00003724     [0.00300]
  dr_Cu1             =  -0.00471435    # +/-   0.00045738     [-0.00504]
  dE0                =   5.41536257    # +/-   0.14032983     [5.36177]
  amp                =   0.89986572    # +/-   0.00826589     [0.90000]

set parameters:                                                                 
  N1                 =   1.00000000

Correlations between variables:                                                 
All other correlations below 0.4

===== Data set >> cu010k << ====================================                

: file                    = 
: name                    = cu010k
: k-range                 = 3.000 - 22.950
: dk                      = 1
: k-window                = Hanning
: k-weight                = 3
: R-range                 = 1 - 3
: dR                      = 0.0
: R-window                = Hanning
: fitting space           = r
: background function     = no
: phase correction        = no
: background removal      = 
: user-supplied epsilon_k = 0
: epsilon_k by k-weight   = 3 -> 2.602e-04
: epsilon_r by k-weight   = 3 -> 3.592e-01
: R-factor by k-weight    = 1 -> 0.00434,  2 -> 0.00233,  3 -> 0.00246

  name                N       S02     sigma^2   e0     delr     Reff     R
[atoms]  Cu.1     12.000   0.000   0.00000   0.000  0.00000  2.55270  2.55270

  name                ei       third     fourth
[atoms]  Cu.1     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000

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